Tuesday, February 7, 2012

When Worlds Collide

This week has proved to be one of convergence; there have been collisions of interests all over. My life isn't as hodgepodge as it once seemed. And it's only Tuesday!

First, last night in class I was able to present with Abby (a friend/colleague/classmate) on the importance of nutrition education in public schools. Our 30 minute presentation turned into an hour long class discussion -- and I thought that was awesome. Even if our extra half hour is detrimental to our grade, it was worth it. It was a valuable conversation to have. My blog, How Not to Measure, will show you that I love food and cooking -- and to combine that not only in class, but in terms of education, made me feel... knowledgeable! And the presentation was fun! (Check out a quick post about the collision of cooking & education.)

Not only did my love for cooking and teaching combine forces, but today I was made an adviser to Platt High School's yearbook. My love for photography has now combined forces with my internship: I have been taking some candids around school, will be taking photos at the Platt Penguin Plunge this Saturday, and helping out with the class notable photos (you know, "class clown" and "most addicted to Twitter" -- that's a new one). I even got permission to create page layouts and was asked to be in the club photo for the yearbook.

As a teacher, if I can find a way to continuously include my passions and interests outside the classroom I will be incredibly happy. I feel it will make me a better teacher and allow me to create better relationships with my students. When everything intertwines it makes me feel more comfortable in my own skin, and that definitely comes across when I'm standing in front of a classroom.


  1. Hi Kayla,

    I would suggest that your photography is excellent, and that you have an eye for photos. I'm glad to see that it is being not only used...but celebrated in your building.

  2. Thanks! I'm really happy that I made friends with the yearbook adviser. :)
